“Growing Disciples of Jesus in Faith, Hope & Love”means participating in activities that cultivate growth!
There are many ways for people of all ages to get involved and grow in Faith, Hope and Love at PUMC!
Whether it’s Sunday School, Small Groups, Missions, or United Methodist Women there’s something for everyone.
We have a variety of small groups and fellowship groups that meet regularly to learn and grow together in faith, hope and love. These groups vary in emphasis and meeting schedule. If you have questions or need help finding the right fit for you please contact us at pittsboroumc@gmail.com.
Men’s Breakfast
Men's Group meets the Second Sunday of each month at 7:45am in the Fellowship Hall. All men are welcome! Enjoy breakfast, fellowship, program and discussion.
Seniors Together And Rejoicing Strong (STARS)
Anyone age 60 and over is invited to quarterly fellowship activities. Enjoy lunch, fellowship, program and discussion. Contact Bob and Cathy Harris at cathyharris911@gmail.com for more information.
Keeping in Step! Walking Group
A group that meets every Wednesday morning starting at 9:00am in the Family Life Center. Each hour and a half session will begin with 15 minutes of prayer, a short devotion, discussion, and time of sharing joys and concerns. Conversation, laughter, friendship, and exercise will be enjoyed by all during our hour of walking. Don’t think you can walk an hour? Please feel free to stop at the picnic area to rest; remember, walk at your own pace! The session will end with 15 minutes of cool down, conversation, and prayer. All are welcome, whether you are a beginner or a long-time walker! Contact Debbie George at dkgeorge@earthlink.net for more information.
Knitting & Crochet Ministry
Mondays at 2pm-anyone who knits or crochets is invited to join us in creating shawls, prayer squares, etc. that are prayed over and sent to anyone who is dealing with illness or crisis. These prayer shawls, prayer squares, etc. are a tangible reminder of the love of Christ, and the love and prayers of our congregation. For more information contact the church office at pittsboroumc@gmail.com .
Missions is incredibly important here at PUMC. Growing in hope means sharing Christ’s love in every way possible! There are always a variety of efforts and projects underway that the entire church is invited to participate in. Pay attention to emails, church bulletins, flyers and announcements for specific ways that you can spread the hope of Christ.
Missions at PUMC
SNACK Program
Choir practice is on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the Choir Room. They perform Sunday mornings for worship.
Chancel Ringers
Handbell Choir practice is on Wednesday evenings at 6pm in the FLC. They perform during special times in worship.
Kids Choir
Children's Choir- (Prek-3rd grade) practice is on Sundays at 3:30pm-4:15pm in the Choir Room.
They perform during special times in worship.
Youth Choir
Youth Choir- (4th-8th grade) practice is on Sundays at 4:15pm-5pm in the Choir Room.
They perform during special times in worship.
Our Choirs are directed by David Smith.