PUMC believes in actively praying for our church and community. Whether you have a joy, need, concern, or problem you are facing, we are glad to celebrate or support you through those times. There are three options for sharing your prayer needs: share with the congregation, share with the pastor only, or share with the prayer team. Our prayer team is a small group of church members that confidentially pray for your needs. Please make the appropriate selection below, when you submit your request. Prayers & Blessings!
Everybody has a story.  All of us have periods where we have struggles.  Sometimes it's loss.  Sometimes it's illness.  Sometimes it's heartbreak.  But everybody has a story.  
The scripture calls on the church to "bear one another's burdens".  That's why the Congregational Care Team was formed.  We are called to care and to encourage in the midst of challenging times.  As we learn of these challenges from the staff and from the congregation, we're organizing a response...Sometimes a card, meal, call, visit to the hospital or at home, and sometimes a prayer shawl or quilt and of course our prayers! 
Our team is made up of former Stephen Ministers, nurses and caring people who are there if you need them. Everybody has a story.  But our prayer is that no one who is connected to our church goes through their story alone.
If you know of someone that would be blessed by a response from our team during a difficult time please email Pastor Lucas Nelson at lnelson@nccumc.org or Kelly Perry at kaperry13@gmail.com.