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Our Vision:

At PUMC we’re not watching children grow up, we’re “Growing Disciples of Jesus in Faith, Hope & Love.”  


Our Mission:

Our mission is to shape the lives of children and nurture their faith by knowing, growing, serving, and going. We want our children to KNOW God and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, GROW in community with the church, SERVE others through ministry, and GO out in the community to share God’s love with others.


All of our children’s ministries contribute to this vision.  These ministry efforts are coordinated by our Children’s Ministry Director, Kelly Boyd  who would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. 


On Sunday


Nursery "JAM"  Jesus and Me

Nursery services are available during both Worship services and the Sunday School hour, for children 3 yrs and younger. Ms. Ingram is the nursery attendant for our 0-1 yo infants located in the Family Life Center.  Ms. Becky is the nursery attendant for our 2-4yo toddlers located in the main building.


Sunday School

Sunday school is available for all ages on Sunday morning.  PreK-5th Grade Sunday school meets from 9:30am-10:00am, following children’s message in our 9am worship.  Sunday school does not meet on the 1st Sunday of the month.


Children/Youth Choir - with our Music Director David Smith

Kids Choir–3:30pm-4:15pm (Ages 3-3rd Grade)
Youth Choir–4:15pm -5:00pm (Ages 4th -8th Grade)




Kids on a Mission


This program meets monthly, and is for children age PreK-5th grade. We come together once a month for fellowship as we learn ways we can work together and serve our community and beyond through mission work, service projects, and group activities. We would love for your children to join us!


Parent's Night Out


Parent's Night Out is offered once a month for children ages 3yo-5th Grade on Saturday evening from 5-8pm. Cost is $15/Child, with dinner provided. This is a great night for Parent's to enjoy a night out, and our children to fellowship and have a fun night together! 

Children Programs
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